Exotic scenery from Ngrenehan Beach, Yogyakarta - Indonesia

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012 0 komentar
Ngrenehan beach is one of the many beaches that stretch along the southern coast, Yogyakarta. Although the beach is not as famous as other tourist beaches, such as Baron, Kukup, Krakal, or Sadeng, but Ngrenehan Coast beach resort offers a variety of fairly complete and interesting.
The attraction can be seen from the beach Ngrenehen beauty of the coral that lies at the mouth of the bay, a stretch of white sandy beach, the sound of ocean waves on the south wall of rock, a variety of culinary offerings of fresh seafood, and can see the activities of the fishermen around the coast.
Historically, the name of this beach stems from the King Demak Ngrenehan named Raden Fatah, the son of King Brawijaya V. UB V himself is king of Majapahit kings who reigned about 1464-1478 BC in the year. One day Raden Fatah came to the region to find his father who had fled with his wife (David Lowati and Bondang Surati) as reluctant to embrace Islam. However, when it arrived in the region, Raden Fatah did not find them. Of these events appear pangrena term that means the invitation. Pangrena word comes from "reneh" meaning here. Then the people in the surrounding area turning it into meaningful Ngrenehan come here to here.
Physically, the beach is not much different Ngrenehan Baron Beach. Only, this beach is relatively narrow when compared to Baron Beach. Ngrenehan bay beach is a beach with an area of ​​approximately 100 m2. The beach is flanked by two rocks jutting into the sea so that the large waves of Indian Ocean sea indirectly slammed into the beach because it was blocked by two rock hills. Because the ocean waves come pounding at any time, so rock climbing wall, forming a small hole like a cave.
Upon entering Ngrenehan Coast region, the tourists will be greeted by a row of food stalls on either side of the road. Between the rows of stalls, stands a white-walled buildings, namely the fish auction place (TPI).
Since its use as a fishing port around the 1980's before dawn on the eastern horizon, the fishermen have started to pack. Fishermen began to perform various activities such as preparing boats and fishing equipment to be used. The atmosphere at this beach will grow more crowded at 10 to 11 minutes early, because the fishermen have returned from fishing. Usually the fishermen will be greeted by his wife and family to help sell their catch at TPI. Of course will add to the exciting atmosphere of this beach.
For seafood lovers, the best time to visit this beach is the month of September to December because at that time thought to be the season of many fish.
If you want to enjoy the exotic scenery of Ngrenehan Beach, visitors can climb to the rocks on the beach. However, visitors are advised to exercise caution, especially for those who are afraid of heights, because the road leading to the hill is quite steep. From the top of the hill, visitors can see the landscape as a whole Ngrenehan Coast, a row of fishing boats along the white sandy beaches, and the beauty of the open sea.

If you want to enjoy the exotic scenery of Ngrenehan Beach, visitors can climb to the rocks on the beach. However, visitors are advised to exercise caution, especially for those who are afraid of heights, because the road leading to the hill is quite steep.
Apart from being an attractive tourist spot, Beach Ngrenehan also used by fishermen as a place to do some melarung offering ceremony.
First, the ceremony POND, carried out every Friday night and Tuesday Kliwon POND, the fisherman throwing food, various kinds of flowers and fruits to the sea as offerings to the spirits believed to be a guardian or ruler of the South Seas.
Second, the harbor, the ceremony is held every evening 1 Sura (1 Muharram in the Islamic calendar). This ceremony is general and is quite large because it involves all citizens residing in Beaches Ngrenehan. Therefore, the funds needed for this ceremony is not half-hearted, may reach about twenty million, because it is used to finance various activities such as puppet shows or music campursari and to perform a variety of offerings. Implementation of this ceremony, catering to fishermen in order to avoid interference from the authorities of South Sea and hopes to get much luck from the sea.
Location and Access
Ngrenehan coast administratively included in the Village area Kanigoro, District Saptosari, Gunungkidul district, Yogyakarta. Ngrenehan beach is about 30 km from the city Wonosari, Gunungkidul or about 60 km south of Yogyakarta. To reach this beach, visitors can go through two main pathways.
The first path is to Yogyakarta - Ivory - Playen - Trowono - Ngrenehan Coast. The second track is Yogyakarta - City Wonosari - Paliyan - Trowono - Ngrenehan Coast.
The second pathway is the route normally used by tourists and residents who live in coastal areas.
Transportation that can be used to achieve Ngrenehan Coast could use a private vehicle or public transport. However, if using public transport, particularly cars, they just got Trowono. Then from Trowono, go to the location of the beach followed by using taxis.
Accommodation and Facilities
Accommodation and facilities available in the coastal area Ngrenehan is a place of worship (mosque), pelalangan Place Fish (TPI), a row of food stalls around the beach, public restrooms, and parking areas. If you want to bring home a souvenir in the form of fresh fish, visitors can visit retail outlets that serve a variety of fish, marine fish such as tuna, mackerel, snapper, stingrays, and more. The price is quite affordable and even still negotiable.
However, it is unfortunate, because in the coastal areas there is no accommodation available and the power grid, so that only allow travelers to visit this beach during the day.

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