Ijen Crater, East Java - Indonesia

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012 0 komentar
Ijen crater lies at the top of Mount Ijen, which is one of a series of volcanoes such as Bromo in East Java, Mount Semeru and Merapi. Mount Ijen is located east of Mount Merapi (in East Java, there is also a mountain that has the same name as the mountain is Mount Merapi in Central Java). Ijen Crater Area Tourism Park or Nature Reserve is located in the District of Ijen slippery, and the District Klobang Banyuwangi, Bondowoso.

Ijen Crater lies at an altitude of 2368 meters above sea level. What is interesting is the crater is located in the middle of the largest caldera on the island of Java. The size of the caldera about 20 kilometers. The size of the crater itself is around 960 meters x 600 meters with a depth of 200 meters. This crater is located at depths greater than 300 meters beneath the caldera wall.

Why Ijen Crater is one of the most acidic crater in the world? Do you know how many degrees of acidity (pH) of this crater? This crater has a very high level of acidity is close to zero so that the human body can dissolve quickly. In addition, the temperature of the crater that reached 200 degrees Celsius increase will be amazed that this very large crater. However, behind the numbers that make these fears, it turns out this crater also presents the charm of stunning beauty. The beauty of what you can get in the crater?

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