Makepung, Balinese Buffalo Racing Bali - Indonesia

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012 0 komentar
If you have Kerapan Madura cattle, then Bali has Makepung. Two traditions are similar but not identical, but a unique spectacle of a fresh and entertaining.
Makepung which in Indonesian means romp, is the tradition of buffalo racing competition has long been attached to the people of Bali, especially in Jembrana. This tradition was a game originally made by farmers in the sidelines of the plowing season. At that time, they quickly clashing with associated spur buffalo on a cart and driven by a jockey.
Increasingly, fraudulent activity that was originally developed and increasingly in demand many circles. Now, Makepung has become one of the most interesting cultural attractions and many watched by tourists including foreign tourists. Not only that, buffalo racing competition program has become an annual event and tourism in Bali is professionally managed.
Today, Makepung not only by the farmer alone. Employees and employers of the city too much to be a participant and supporter. Moreover, in a big fight, Governor Cup for example, participants who attended Makepung can reach about 300 pairs of buffaloes or even more. The atmosphere was very festive with the presence of the musicians jegog (Balinese gamelan made of bamboo) to enliven the atmosphere of the race.
When starting competed in the 1970's, the rules and the completeness of the Makepung participate undergone several changes. For example, a buffalo which had been, now a pair. Then, cikar or jockey who used to wagons to large, now replaced with smaller ones. Participants Makepung buffalo, are now also more 'fashionable' in the presence of various kinds of ornaments in the form of a crown that is placed at the head of buffalo and green or red flags in each cikar. Meanwhile, arena-shaped ground track Makepung a 'U', as long as 1-2 km.
In contrast to Kerapan Madura cattle that is race or other event, Makepung have a few unique rules. The winner of this race is not only determined by who or where the buffalo pairs who reached the finish line first only, but will also be determined from the distance between those competing. That is, a participant will be deemed the winner if he be in the forefront when it reaches the finish and be able to keep a distance from the participants in tow, as far as 10 m.
However, if the spouse who is behind the buffalo could narrow the gap with the participants in front of him, to less than 10 m, then the pair of buffalo on the back that will come out as winners. The race finished in a matter of eight to ten minutes in each of his race.
Fans and participants in Jembrana Makepung divided into two groups known as the West Block and East Block. The division of this block by the river which divides the capital of Ivory Ijo Jembrana. The second block in a race official will meet every two weeks. And, each block has its own circuit that is often used as a location to practice or race of an official nature.
Unique things that make Makepung be a fun and exciting spectacle, is the expression of a jockey who was on cikar and are encouraging in both the buffalo with the chanting of their respective regions. The jockey whipped with a stick during the buffalo racing at the track width of 2 m is to be able to achieve maximum speed. Some jockeys also use special sticks where there are small spikes that attach to the stick. So, no wonder that the buffalo that used bleeding after taking this.
Which adds thrill Makepung, in every race there is almost always a jockey who failed to control the buffalo. This often happens when there are participants who will overtake the other participants. And, when the buffalo out of control, he will eventually fall off the track and to map the fields or inverted. Audience was cheering

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